Our Doctor of Physical Therapy is highly trained and provides sensitive, professional care. They will discuss your concerns, issues, and questions with you thoroughly before carrying out the treatment and no treatment is performed without your consent. Internal palpation is an integral part of treating the pelvic floor and is the gold standard. You deserve the gold standard.

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The Pelvic Evaluation.


The pelvic floor muscles are responsible for assisting with urinary and bowel continence, core and organ support, lumbopelvic stability, sexual appreciation, and the return of blood and lymph back toward the heart. The PT evaluation is aimed at diagnosing how these, and other pelvic structures, may be contributing to your problem. Once we uncover the issue we provide a tailored plan for your body. No two people are alike in their challenges or their goals. The assessments below only take place with your consent and may be performed with a witness in the room, should you choose.  

*External Pelvic Floor Observation and palpation: Your DPT will assess for prolapse, proper muscle contraction and proper release, identify muscular trigger points/ spasm, and scar tissue.

*Internal Pelvic Floor Assessment: Your DPT will assess for muscular symmetry, strength, endurance, coordination/ timing, muscle spasm, tone, length, and reproduction of your symptoms.

*Biofeedback: External sensors are placed near the anal opening and identify (with a bar graph on a computer screen) your ability to contract, release, and coordinate these muscles with functional tasks.

*Abdominal wall: Lumbar Spine, Hips, and Lower Extremities: These structures are tied to pelvic function and strength. Assessment of these is critical in understanding the whole picture of your pelvic health.

*Functional Assessment: Assessing your whole body is critical in understanding why the pelvis may not be working optimally. We determine functional alignment, strength, gait, and your day to day physical tasks so that we can start to make changes right away.